We’ll be going over how we feel garage door painting should get done.
The weather is getting better now that we’re in early spring. This means homeowners are beginning to focus more on their outdoor landscapes and home exteriors. When taking care of the exterior of your home, one area that could get overlooked is the garage door. You want to maintain your garage door because it can really help improve the look of your house. When maintaining your door, one task you’ll need to complete is painting. We’ll be going over how we feel garage door painting should get done.
Consider What the Weather Will Be
The optimal time to paint your garage door will depend on the weather. Some days in spring can get particularly hot, and you want to avoid these hot days when possible. Instead, wait until temperatures are cooler outside, and wait until the humidity levels are low so that you can have comfortable weather conditions while getting garage door painting done. It also helps to get painting done earlier in the day when you don’t have a lot of sunlight shining directly on top of you. This also gives paint the whole day to dry, while the sun is shining brightly.
Do Some Power Washing Before Getting Painting Done
Your garage door needs a clean surface before you can properly paint on it. To get rid of any dirt that can make your surface uneven, you should powerwash your garage door. Not only will this give your door a smooth surface, but the paint will also have an easier time adhering to the door after painting has been completed.
Make Use of Painter’s Tape
When getting garage door painting done, there will be certain spots in the nearby vicinity of your door that you don’t want to have painted. This is where painter’s tape comes in handy. You can use painter’s tape to cover up areas where you don’t want paint to be. This allows you to perform your painting job more precisely.
Let First Choice Garage Doors Find The Right Door For You
Since 2004, First Choice Garage Doors has been providing quality service in Maryland, Delaware, Northern Virginia, and Pennsylvania. We offer services like garage door installation and replacement, as well as maintenance and repair. We specialize in the repair and maintenance of garage doors and their accessories. Here at First Choice Garage Doors, we work with top manufacturers in the industry, including Amar Entrematic, Clopay, Wayne Dalton, and Artisan.