Maintaining your garage door is essential!
Because your garage door is such a significant investment for your home, you need to maintain it. It’s also important to make sure it’s always in good condition because it’s a barrier between your home and the outside world. You don’t want to have a door that has structural issues and is vulnerable to being opened by potential intruders. One way to prevent your garage door from wearing down is by being consistent with maintaining it. Here are some things to look for when maintaining your garage.
Dirty Surfaces
This is one of the most clear signs of a garage that isn’t being maintained properly. You should ensure that your garage door is always clean. This will not only make it more visually appealing, but it will also allow you to see any other imperfections more clearly. Sometimes the dirt on the surfaces on your garage’s door or other components can mask critical issues. It’s particularly important to clean your garage door if it’s made of wood. The dirt on it could mask scratches in the surface, which could result in major problems in the future.
Inspect The Rollers
Your garage’s rollers are very important to how it operates because they play a big role in them opening and closing smoothly. Make sure that your rollers are in good condition and if they are not, you should replace them as soon as possible. Having poor rollers can result in a garage that struggles to close or does so loudly, so make sure yours are always in good shape.
Look At The Connectors
In your garage, components like cables and hinges are used to link different components together. Your bolts and hinges can wear down over time, and could even break if they aren’t maintained properly. Also, the cables in your garage can get loose over time which can negatively affect your garage’s performance.
Unmatched Garage Door Expertise
At First Choice Garage Doors, we’re proud to employ a team of highly experienced individuals who are prepared to assist with any job in Maryland, Delaware, Northern Virginia, and Southeastern PA. We install only the best manufacturers: Clopay, Wayne Dalton, Amarr, LiftMaster, Genie and more. To take the stress out of your project, we’ll arrive with the right tools to get the job done promptly and professionally. Our areas of expertise are Garage Door Repair, Installation, Replacement, Retrofit, Door Openers, and Accessories. If you’re interested in new garage doors for your home or business, call us at 410‐770‐9800, and be sure to visit our website. To stay up-to-date on the latest First Choice Garage Doors news, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube, and be sure to follow our blog.