Here are some reasons your garage door isn’t closing properly.
After you’ve had your garage door for a while, it’s normal to experience some normal wear and tear. A common occurrence that happens with garages that have been in use for a while is them not closing as they should. Having a garage door that doesn’t close is aesthetically unpleasant and lead to security issues as well, and regardless of which of the following is causing the issues with your door you should have the problem fixed. Here are some issues that could be causing your garage door issues.
Something’s Blocking The Door
Sometimes the most obvious problems are the easiest to overlook. If your garage door isn’t closing properly, it might just be being physically blocked by some object in your garage. This is especially true if you’ve rearranged items in your garage recently and have just started to have issues closing your garage door. Make sure to check the area around your garage door first if you’ve noticed issues with it closing.
Safety Sensor Issues
Your garage door’s sensors play a large role in it working properly, which means you should make sure to take a look at them if you’re having issues. In most cases, there are two sensors that are located at the bottom of your garage door. These sensors, which face each other, are in charge of sending out a signal that detects whether or not there are objects blocking your garage door from opening. If these sensors start to fail, then your garage door likely won’t close all the way.
Misaligned Sensor
Sensors can not only lose power, but they can become misaligned as well. Misaligned sensors create issues too because they’ll constantly be sending a signal to your garage door that there’s something in the way. This means that your garage door won’t be able to close properly until the sensors are aligned properly. If you’re experiencing an issue like this, luckily you’ll be able to fix it on your own.
Unmatched Garage Door Expertise
At First Choice Garage Doors, we’re proud to employ a team of highly experienced individuals who are prepared to assist with any job in Maryland, Delaware, Northern Virginia, and Southeastern PA. We install only the best manufacturers: Clopay, Wayne Dalton, Amarr, LiftMaster, Genie and more. To take the stress out of your project, we’ll arrive with the right tools to get the job done promptly and professionally. Our areas of expertise are Garage Door Repair, Installation, Replacement, Retrofit, Door Openers, and Accessories. If you’re interested in new garage doors for your home or business, call us at 410‐770‐9800, and be sure to visit our website. To stay up-to-date on the latest First Choice Garage Doors news, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube, and be sure to follow our blog.